Tag: Warning
Human Factors Expert Witness’ Opinion About the Alleged Design Deficiencies of the Boppy Newborn Lounger Admitted
The Boppy Newborn Lounger (“BNL”) was on the market for nearly sixteen years, and during that time, Boppy sold over 3.3 million BNLs. Boppy’s warnings and marketing made clear that the BNL was intended to give caregivers a place to lay infants down for supervised awake time only, but never for sleeping. As with any…
Consumer Product Safety Expert Witness’ Testimony About the Availability of Pop-up Warning Technology Excluded
On June 20, 2015 at approximately 1:00 am, Thomas Power was using the Elitebook while at a 24-hour gym with the computer balanced directly on his lap. After using the computer for approximately 20-60 minutes, the laptop exploded into flame, burning Power’s legs. He sustained serious injuries, including burns requiring a skin graft, hydrotherapy, catheterization, and intravenous…