Illinois Defense Counsel Joins Forces with Expert Witness Profiler to Deliver Access to Faster, More Robust Research to Members 

Illinois Defense Counsel Joins Forces with Expert Witness Profiler to Deliver Access to Faster, More Robust Research to Members 

Today marks the announcement of Expert Witness Profiler’s collaboration with Illinois Defense Counsel, a significant step in bolstering expert witness research and reporting services. The Illinois Defense Counsel (IDC) is the foremost association uniting attorneys specializing in representing businesses, corporations, insurance, professionals, individuals, governmental agencies, and law students in civil litigation.

IDC members gain unlimited, complimentary access to Expert Witness Profiler (EWP) preliminary screening reports, plus members-only discounts on its more in-depth background profiles and challenge studies. The reports draw on multiple data sources to create a full picture of a witness’s past testimony, challenges to that testimony, and comprehensive background information critical to their case preparation.

“Expert Witness Profiler exceeds expectations for researching expert witnesses,” said Tracy Stevenson, president of IDC. “The IDC is proud to be able to offer this benefit to our members as they prepare their defense cases, whether to challenge opposing witnesses or confidently retain the best experts for their cases with greater speed and efficiency.”

“It is our pleasure to support the Illinois Defense Counsel and work with the defense lawyers of Illinois to provide this important service and help them more effectively prepare for court proceedings involving expert witnesses,” added Myles Levin, principal of Expert Witness Profiler.

Expert Witness Profiler conducts extensive studies of an expert witness’s professional background. The depth and breadth of information in the profiles assist both the lawyers in retaining the expert witness and those in opposition, as well as the expert witnesses themselves. Profiles include access to expert witness transcripts, briefs (including memoranda in support of or in opposition to motions to exclude testimony), and other relevant supporting documents. The research is intended not to replace a lawyer’s own research team but to complement their work and expedite their access to vital expert witness information necessary for their case preparation.

The Illinois Defense Counsel was organized in 1964. Its mission is to advance the interests of the defense bar by ensuring civil justice with integrity, civility, and professional competence.

Expert Witness Profiler® provides background reports and dossiers on any expert witness in the United States. Prepared on demand, its reports cover information available on multiple legal research websites to provide lawyers and law firms with the most comprehensive data coverage on experts. Founded in 2008, Expert Witness Profiler is regularly used by large and small law firms, insurance companies, governmental agencies, and corporations and has been the apex standard for background information on expert witnesses.