Tag: Reliable
Firearms & Ballistics Expert Witness’ Testimony About the Unintentional Discharge Excluded
Plaintiff Michael Colwell alleged that a Sig Sauer P320, which he was issued in connection with his duties as a police officer in Troy, New York, discharged during a police training exercise even though Plaintiff never touched the trigger. Plaintiff testified that he put the gun in his holster during the exercise and was starting…
Maritime Expert Witness’ Testimony About the Historic Practices of the Navy Admitted
In October 2020, Sentilles (Plaintiff) was diagnosed with mesothelioma and subsequently filed a case asserting negligence and strict liability claims against multiple defendants, including Avondale (Defendant). He claimed that his asbestos exposure from the 1950s to the 1980s caused his illness. Sentilles stated that he was personally exposed to asbestos while working at Avondale’s shipyard…
Expert Witness’ Limited Testimony on Medical Billing Considered Unhelpful
On June 27, 2019, Plaintiff was involved in a motor vehicle accident with an underinsured driver. At the time of the accident, Plaintiff was covered by an Uninsured and/or Underinsured Motorist (“UM”) policy issued by Defendant. Plaintiff issued a demand to Defendant for settlement at policy limits. On August 26, 2020, Plaintiff filed a civil…
Insurance Expert Witness Barred From Opining On Electrical Equipment’s Sensitivity to Water Damage
On March 10, 2023, Subrigo International Corporation (“Subrigo”) initiated a lawsuit against Sentinel Insurance Company (“Sentinel”) in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Shortly thereafter, Sentinel transferred the case to the Federal Court. Subrigo’s claims arose from Sentinel’s refusal to cover property damage caused by flooding at its business location. Subrigo operated a data center in…
Court Accepts Latent Fingerprint Expert Witness’ Analysis Despite the Subjective Nature of Comparing Prints
On August 14, 2022, a man dressed in black and wearing a camouflage baseball hat entered a Ross store on Coors Blvd. He approached the cash register with a box of tweezers but, instead of paying, allegedly pulled out a handgun and demanded money from two cash registers at the front of the store. After…
Civil Engineering Expert Witness’ Opinion that the Roof Requires Full Replacement is Not Mere Speculation
Plaintiff Franklin Square Condominium Owner Association alleged that a hailstorm on April 28, 2021, damaged its property at 817-831 Old Ranch Road 12, San Marcos, Texas 78666. Franklin Square filed a claim with its insurance company, Defendant AmGuard Insurance Company. Plaintiff alleged that AmGuard breached the insurance contract by failing to pay the full amount…
Radiology Expert Witness’ Specific Findings As to the Plaintiff’s Spine Area Admitted
On December 9, 2021, Plaintiff Darryl Everson was driving in Montz, Louisiana, when he claimed that Defendant David Rugg (“Rugg”) negligently felled a tree along the roadway. The Plaintiff contended that the tree landed on his car, causing injuries to his back and neck. Additionally, Plaintiff alleged that Rugg was employed by Defendant Romesberg Trucking…
Construction Expert Witness Used Objective Grounds to Come to his Conclusions
VEC, Inc. accused Joyce Electrical Inc. and Hudson Insurance Co. of breaching a building contract between the parties, after Williams Field Service Company LLC awarded VEC a contract to build an electrical substation and distribution line. After soliciting bids for subcontractors to do the electrical work on the project, VEC hired Joyce. Joyce eventually fell…
Legal Ethics Expert Witness’ Opinions Regarding a Conflict of Interest on Coverage Admitted
Plaintiff, Ansur America Insurance Company, sued Defendants, James A. Borland and Quinn, Johnston, Henderson & Pretorious, Chtd., an experienced defense lawyer and his law firm, for alleged legal malpractice in handling a complex product liability case in St. Clair County, Illinois. Plaintiff alleged that Defendants failed to meet the standard of care in representing Plaintiff…
Law Enforcement Expert Witness’ Conclusions Regarding Control Excluded
In the early hours of September 24, 2021, Cedric Lofton was arrested for allegedly battering officers of the Wichita Police Department. WPD determined that, due to his arrest, Lofton needed to be taken into custody. Because Lofton was still a juvenile, he was transported to the Sedgwick County Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center (“JIAC”) for…